Taller de Sabores is a gastronomic concept that focuses on culture and art. The need to nourish the body and soul is compensated by the various activities organized throughout the year.
Collective exhibition
“Female Art in the Workshop”
It takes place every year (it is now in its 3rd edition) during the month of March and features the works of prominent female artists from the Region of Murcia.
Disciplines such as photography, sculpture, ceramics, collages, poetry, video art, creative floristry, illustration, and jewelry come together in the workshop.
Other recurring activities are also the live music concerts during summer dinners or wine tastings, pairings, an activity that allows you to get to know first-hand the people who make the wines, their history and their culture.
RESERVATIONS: hello@tallerdesabores.es
Call us: 868 681 981 or WhatsApp at tel: 699 737 687
Murcia Avenue 22
30180 Bullas (Murcia), Spain
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